Welcome to the 2024/2025 DDA Dance Season. We have an exciting dance year planned for you! If you have any questions or concerns, please speak to a staff member at your earliest convenience
We request that you keep all communications from the studio as you receive them from our staff. You will be receiving information about your participation in our annual recitals that occur in May.
Please note that the waiting room is made available for the convenience of our students and their families. The waiting room and our kitchen area is for waiting, reading, snacking, quiet conversations, class viewing, homework, etc.
We ask that you please be respectful of the dance instruction that is taking place in both studios and please use indoor voices in the lobby, as to not disturb the dancers.
We request that you arrive with adequate time to prepare for class (but no more than 15 minutes before class time). Parents, for your children's safety, please be available in the waiting room to receive students when they are dismissed from class.
We welcome your comments. If any parent/student wishes a private conference concerning your individual dance goals or financial concerns, please do not hesitate to ask. We are happy to work with you to ensure that your dance year will be one of pleasure and growth. The entire DDA Staff wishes you a fantastic year of dance!
Code of Conduct
To ensure the smooth, safe running of DDA and an enjoyable experience by all, below you will find our code of conduct. As always, we are open to feedback, if any of the requirements outlined below are unclear or concerning, please contact the studio. Following a formal meeting, we do reserve the right to dismiss or take disciplinary action on any students or parents who breach our studio's code of conduct.
Families who do not comply with their fees or costume payment obligation may be charged a late fee, and/or be excluded from class/performances. External debt collection may occur when fees remain overdue and this will be at the expense of the client. Costume expenses are the responsibility of the parents, and will not be issued to students with unpaid class fees.
No classes or instructors are to be disturbed unless it's an emergency. Parents should not approach instructors or students during class time, if you need to contact either party, please see the front desk manager.
We are unable to take responsibility for students before or after their scheduled class time. It is the responsibility of the parent to ensure their child goes in to class and you are there to pick them up after class is dismissed.
In case of emergency or delay in picking up your child please text the front desk.
Any questions or complaints must go through the studio manager. In a rare case of a parent or student showing disrespect or defamation to any other parent, staff member or student, a meeting will be called immediately and dismissal may be considered at the discretion of the studio owners. Physical, mental, emotional or cyber bullying by parents, staff or students will not be tolerated and may result in dismissal from the studio. If you like drama, then we are not the studio for you. (See our Anti-Bullying Policy) DDA works closely with DanceOn Chicago, a great Non-Profit Anit-Bullying Organization, please visit our Company Page and click the DanceOn link for more information or to donate to their foundation.
DDA takes no responsibility for any stolen or misplaced property on the studio premises and we encourage our families to avoid bringing valuable items into the studio where possible.
DDA reserves the right to change instructors or timetabling when necessary at any time throughout the year.
All policies are in effect throughout our dance season. Students and parents are responsible for reading, understanding, and acknowledging all policies listed here and on your registration forms. Multiple infractions will result in students being withdrawn from our studio.
Your child's attendance in class is very important to their peers and our staff. If you are a member of our Team/Company it is a commitment for you to ensure your child attends their classes on time each week. Not only do absences impact the competition routines, it also impacts the social and confidence-building principals that we work hard to foster in each child.
If you know ahead of time that your child will be absent due to holidays/vacations please let us know ahead of time so the class impact is minimal. If your child is unwell, we ask that you inform the studio as soon as you can so we can let the instructors know.
Tardiness - Please be on time for classes, you are missing important stretching time when you arrive late for class and risk injury to your body.
You are the best judge of your child's health and we trust you will not bring a sick child to the studio. However, if it is the opinion of the instructors that your child is to sick to participate in class, we will call you to come pick your dancer up. The following criteria will be considered in determining if your child must go home: Fever of 100 degrees or more, Communicable disease, Inflammation of eyes, Vomiting, Diarrhea.
DDA commits to anti-bullying. We provide a safe and supportive community that fosters a lifelong love for dance and creative expression. In order to guarantee that all of our dancers are able to best pursue their passion, we implemented a comprehensive anti-bullying policy applicable to our students, dance families, and staff.
We define bullying as any behavior; physical, verbal, written, that detrimentally targets another dancer, family or instructor/owner. This counts as bullying when it physically or emotionally harms another, targets another for any actual or perceived characteristic, or creates a hostile environment at the studio.
If you wish to report any bullying but wish to remain anonymous please drop us a note in our payment box. At DDA respect and compassion are two of our core values. All dancers have a right to learn and develop their art in a positive, respectful environment. We promote kindness, leadership, discipline and hard work. To create an excellent dance environment, students will adhere to the standards set forth in these policies.
We expect our students to behave properly while in class. They must be respectful of their instructors and peers at all times. Should a student become disruptive in class, the instructors or manager has the right to remove him/her from class. The student will be allowed back into class at the instructors discretion. We do not tolerate any form of disrespect from any student or parent at DDA.
For convenience and affordability, tuition is payable monthly, on or before the 1st of each month. Payments made after the first week of each month will result in a $10 late fee. There will be no reduction in tuition for months with holidays or due to illness. Acceptable payment methods include cash, check , or credit/debit card. There is a $35 fee charged for any return checks.
Convenience Fees: Credit/debit fees are 3.6% of total bill.
Monthly tuition is never pro-rated but determined from an average of entire classes for the season. Fees and/or tuition are not refundable, this includes costume fees. If a students account is two weeks behind they will not be allowed to attend class until account is current. Parents are financially obligated by the terms of their registration forms to pay for their full tuition for the dance season.